What is Melodica ?

A Suzuki-made Melodica

A Suzuki-made Melodica

The Melodica is also known as the “blow-organ” or the “keyboard harmonica”. It is a free-reed woodwind instrument that resembles both accordions and harmonicas. Besides being a music instrument in performance, it is also used in music education, especially in Asia. With a musical keyboard on top, notes are being played by blowing air through a mouthpiece and pressing keys, allowing air to flow through the reed to produce sound.

Unknown of the exact date, it is assumed that Melodica was invented by Hohner in the 1950s or the 1960s. Although other musicians include Joseph Lederfine are suggested. Similar instruments have been known in Italy since the 19th century.

Melodicas are special when comparing to other conventional woodwind instruments because of its use of a piano keyboard rather than a specialised fingering system using holes and require two hands to play all the notes. This enable players to master the instrument easily. Moreover, being a polyphonic instruments, chords can be played by pressing multiple keys.


Types of Melodicas

(Click images to enlarge)

Soprano Melodica Alto Melodica Bass Melodica
Soprano Melodica Alto Melodica Bass Melodica